Seven Tips For Buying A Gantry Crane For Your Business

Gantry cranes can make a big difference in your company’s productivity and workflow. These seven tips for buying a gantry crane (кран козловой купить) should help you choose the right crane for your business.

1. Figure out how much weight the crane needs to be capable of handling. Choosing a crane with an adequate lifting capacity is extremely important. Evaluate the different types of items that you plan on moving with the crane. Figure out which ones are the heaviest. Then, choose a crane that has a weight capacity that is high enough to accommodate those loads.

2. Determine how wide the crane needs to be. The span of the crane is another important thing to consider. It needs to be narrow enough to fit in the space where you plan on using it. At the same time, it also needs to be wide enough to span the loads that it will be lifting. Depending on your situation, you may also benefit from going with an adjustable-width gantry crane.

Gantry Crane for sale in China
Buy a gantry crane

3. Decide if you need a single-girder gantry crane (купить кран козловой однобалочный) or double-girder crane. Single-girder gantry cranes are a good choice for situations where there is plenty of overhead clearance and where the loads that are being lifted aren’t too heavy. Double-girder gantry cranes, on the other hand, are well-suited to use in buildings with low ceilings. They also are an excellent choice for lifting extremely heavy loads.

4. Consider the type of tires that you want on the crane. Rubber-tired gantry cranes can move over smooth surfaces freely, allowing you to move them wherever you plan on using them. Rail-mounted gantry cranes, on the other hand, are always used in the same area since their metal tires run on rails that are firmly attached to the ground.

5. Look for a crane that is designed for the type of lifting you plan on doing. Most gantry cranes feature a generic design that allows them to be used for a wide range of lifting applications. Some cranes, however, are more specialized. For instance, some gantry cranes are made for stacking containers while others are made for shipbuilding. If you have a specific purpose in mind for the crane, consider looking for a model that is designed for that exact job.

Single Gantry Cranes sells
Single Gantry Cranes form China

6. Research the reputation of the manufacturer. You should learn everything you can about the company that manufactures the crane before purchasing one of their products. Conducting research through the Internet is an effective way to learn more about these types of businesses, no matter where they are located.

7. Check out reviews. The last tip is to spend a little bit of time reading customer reviews from other people who have purchased similar cranes to the one you are considering buying. You can learn a lot from reviews like these, both about the quality of the crane and the level of customer service offered by the company.

By following these seven tips for buying a gantry crane, you should be able to select a crane that will work well for your business, no matter what type of lifting you plan on doing.